hub oF


fashion week

promoting african fashion

Since 2010

HAFW since 2010 has always been about transferring the richness of African Heritage, culture, and beauty to the global view of the continent through fashion, and the creative industry that it has in all aspects of its history.
Over the years, HAFW has witnessed the growth of the industry, the designers, and the
recognition of Africa as a true destination for sourcing manufacturing, textiles, leather, labels, and more.

Fashion Culture

& Life Style

Hub of Africa Fashion Week (HAFW) was created with the understanding that there is a need for an event that can highlight the growing talent of African designers and brands to the international market. The philosophy of the organizers is to have an event that can create a linkage amongst different sectors in the growing garment industry in Africa, while being a platform for designers and other segments of the industry to market their brands internationally.


Style is Forever

“There is NY fashion week,  Paris Fashion Week, and Milano Fashion Week…why not Addis Fashion Week. Giving a platform to the rich and creative fashion industry in the African continent saves lives in a form of creating thousands of jobs and transforming communities to enrich many lives.  HAFW is committed to being a part of the growth of the industry in Ethiopia and the region by making Addis the HUB, encouraging designers, and making links between buyers, manufacturers, and international media. Over the past years of organizing HAFW, we have learned that there is great interest and demand from many more local and regional designers, as well as textile and manufacturing entities to participate during HAFW. We believe this will create linkage between different sectors towards a linear added-value growth of the industry. This is crucial for the sustainable development of not only the industry, but also Ethiopia and the region.



Clairvoyant Marketing Agency was established to cover a niche market within the African community to serve as the “go to agency” with purpose. Purpose being, a contribution to the communities and society with a vision of building and creating sustainable development through creative industry. By coming together and working under the same terms, jobs and development will be created not only in the inner cities but also in
the rural areas. Clairvoyant the Agency aims to focus the fashion week’s activities not only on runway shows but also on education in this industry through workshops, and panel discussions in preparation to create working opportunities.

Board of Advisors

Waridi Schrobsdorff

Kenyan-born Waridi Schrobsdorff, a resident of Berlin for 27 years, is a former model and fashion entrepreneur. She founded FA254 in 2013; however, she has been investing her experience and knowledge of fashion since 2008 through the continent.

As an ambassador for many African projects, she is regarded as a high-profile and trusted voice for Africa. Her mission, as she sees it, is to find ways that progress in Africa can be achieved and to encourage a positive attitude of belief in the possibility of change. Waridi trusts in the new talents of Africa and believes that fashion is the perfect tool to rebrand the continent.

Waridi Schrobsdorff/Pabst
African Fashion Exper/Project Designer / Visionaire
CEO/Founder Fashion Africa 254(FA254)
Vogue Germany Contributor for Africa

Natan Teklemariam

Nathan Teklemariam is a Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2023) at Clemson University’s College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences, Political Science Department.  Teklemariam attained his Ph.D. In Public Policy & Administration at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in 2021. 

His research focuses on urban policy centered around housing, neighborhood change, and economic development through the lens of equity and justice both at the national and global scale.  Teklemariam also engages in comparative public administration research examining relationships between political/bureaucratic systems, political/administrative actors and processes and differences in public service delivery with special attention on rapidly urbanizing countries of Africa and East Asia.  Teklemariam is a recipient of both the 2018 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Founders’ Fellow and International Young Scholars award.  He was also a 2018 Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) Equity & Inclusion Fellow and a 2021 recipient of the Black History in the Making Award from VCU.

Natan Teklemariam
Creative Advisor of HAFW, Business Consultant